Health food for your heard.
Choosing the right silage corn hybrid for your livestock is essential for a healthy herd. With Data Proven insights from nearly 200 annual Answer Plot locations, WinField United can help you pick the right seed based on your unique needs.
Hybrid corn silage seed designed for feed.
The SilageFirst® corn seed from CROPLAN® is specifically designed for high-producing dairy and beef cattle operations. These corn silage hybrids have more flexibility in harvest and feedout and provide the energy and tonnage requirements to optimize weight gain for beef cattle.
Choose from 3 types of SilageFirst® corn hybrids to find the right fit for your production.

Leafy Corn Silage
- Leafy corn stalks are thicker and more digestible.
- Large corn ears that produce more energy.

Floury-Leafy Corn Hybrids
- Bridges the gap between previous year’s corn silage pile and the current year’s feed.
- Lower total starch, but softer kernel texture allows starch to be readily digested for more available energy.

High-Energy, High-Tonnage Corn Hybrids
- More flexibility in harvest and feedout when combined with leafy corn and floury-leafy corn hybrids.
- Appropriate for feeding after 120+ day post ensiling, when they reach optimum starch and fiber digestibility.
- Provide energy and tonnage to optimize weight gain in beef cattle.
Explore CROPLAN® Silage Corn varieties
Find the best hybrid silage corn varieties and crop protection products for your farm with advice from your local WinField United retailer. Backed by proven Answer Plot data, you’ll enjoy optimal corn silage yields regardless of the variables you face.

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 72 Day
1900 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Ultra early dual-purpose hybrid.
- Excellent early season emergence and vigour.
- Great balance of tonnage and quality.
- Sets grain early to maximize starch fill up.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 76 Day
1950 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Great early option.
- Works well across most environments.
- Attractive plant type with solid agronomic package.
- Excellent staygreen for wider silage window.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Leafy: 75 Day
2250 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- SilageFirst floury hybrid.
- 25% floury kernels when self-pollinated for optimum digestibility.
- Produces a high-yielding; robust crop.
- Produces a silage product with an excellent balance of digestible starch and fiber.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Roundup Ready 2 Corn
Leafy: 75 Day
2250 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- SilageFirst floury-leafy proven hybrid.
- 25% floury kernels when self-pollinated for optimum digestibility.
- Produces a high-yielding; robust crop.
- Produces a silage product with an excellent balance of digestible starch and fiber.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 82 Day
2300 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excellent emergence and seedling vigour.
- Consistent yield potential with excellent vigour.
- Girthy ear with good tip fill for clean quality silage.
- Handles tough; variable yield environments.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 87 Day
2475 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excellent on low to medium yield environments.
- Strong ear flex with a moderate response-to nitrogen; broad range of growing conditions.
- Excellent seedling vigour for early planting.
- Above average drought tolerance.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 87 Day
2500 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excellent on low to medium yield environments.
- Strong ear flex with a moderate response-to nitrogen; broad range of growing conditions.
- Excellent seedling vigour for early planting.
- Above average drought tolerance.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 84 Day
2500 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- New dual-purpose silage with high tonnage potential.
- Take advantage of ear flex for maximum quality potential.
- Good plant health and staygreen for high quality silage.
- Very good drought stress tolerance.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 89 Day
2550 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Consistent hybrid for the last 5 years.
- Excellent early vigour for early planting.
- Moderate RTP and high RTN will drive yield on average to productive soils.
- Excellent staygreen and late season plant health for optimum potential.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 91 Day
2625 Silage CHU
- Low
- Moderate
- High
- New 91-day dual-purpose silage.
- Very good staygreen for larger silage window.
- Good disease package for high quality silage.
- High RTN; place on fertile soils for maximum potential.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 95 Day
2650 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excels in moderate to high yield environments; moves across all soil types.
- Strong stalk quality and root strength.
- Has good ear flex for low plant densities; but will respond to higher management.
- Low response-to fungicide; may respond in heavy gray leaf spot situations.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 94 Day
2650 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Consistent tonnage; stability across wide range of environments.
- Strong roots deliver strong drought tolerance and performance in poor soils.
- Semi-flex ear and strong stalks.
- Harvest timely because staygreen is below average.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 95 Day
2675 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excels in moderate to high yield environments; moves across all soil types.
- Strong stalk quality and root strength.
- Has good ear flex for low plant densities; but will respond to higher management.
- Low response-to fungicide; may respond in heavy gray leaf spot situations.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 95 Day
2700 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excels in moderate to high yield environments; moves across all soil types.
- Strong stalk quality and root strength.
- Has good ear flex for low plant densities; but will respond to higher management.
- Low response-to fungicide; may respond in heavy gray leaf spot situations.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 97 Day
2750 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Trecepta trait to help against western bean cutworm.
- Strong agronomics for good quality silage.
- Excellent tip fill for maximum starch availability.
- Manage with a fungicide for a wider harvest window.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Roundup Ready 2 Corn
Leafy: 90 Day
2775 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- SilageFirst floury-leafy proven hybrid.
- 25% floury kernels when self-pollinated for optimum digestibility.
- Exceptional yield potential in high yielding environments.
- Flex ear; plant at lower populations.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 98 Day
2775 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Tall robust plant suitable for silage.
- Semi-flex hybrid with excellent stalks for higher plant populations.
- Above and below ground insect protection for corn-on-corn silage acres.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 97 Day
2775 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excellent tonnage potential.
- Strong emergence and stalks.
- Great flex ear and strong drought tolerance.
- Keep populations low to optimize root development.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 101 Day
2800 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Attractive plant type with solid agronomic package.
- Semi-flex ear allows lower densities; but will respond when pushed in populations.
- Handles tough; variable and ideal yield environments.
- Healthy; versatile; high tonnage dual-purpose hybrid.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Roundup Ready 2 Corn
Leafy: 87 Day
2800 Silage CHU
- Low
- Moderate
- High
- SilageFirst floury-leafy proven hybrid.
- 25% floury kernels when self-pollinated for optimum digestibility.
- Strong performance in both tonnage and quality.
- To achieve optimal quality; target 30;000 plants per acre.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 99 Day
2800 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Tall hybrid with strong grain yield potential drive high tonnage potential.
- Excellent roots and good drought tolerance; high seeding rates and high tonnage.
- Moderate response-to nitrogen; consistent performance across variable soils.
- Harvest timely to avoid excess drydown.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

SmartStax PRO
Dual Purpose: 97 Day
2800 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Versatile SmartStax® PRO hybrid for known corn root worm acres.
- Strong stress tolerance and solid agronomics.
- A moderate RTN score; does not need aggressive N management to thrive.
- Manage in areas where gray leaf spot is a concern.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 101 Day
2850 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Attractive plant type with solid agronomic package.
- Semi-flex ear allows lower densities; but will respond when pushed in populations.
- Handles tough; variable and ideal yield environments.
- Healthy; versatile; high tonnage dual-purpose hybrid.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Leafy: 94 Day
2850 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- SilageFirst leafy proven hybrid now with SmartStax.
- Above and below insect protection for corn-on-corn acres.
- Strong performance in both tonnage and quality.
- Flex ear; plant at lower populations.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 101 Day
2875 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Attractive plant type with solid agronomic package.
- Semi-flex ear allows lower densities; but will respond when pushed in populations.
- Handles tough; variable and ideal yield environments.
- Healthy; versatile; high tonnage dual-purpose hybrid.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Leafy: 101 Day
2975 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Highly digestible SilageFirst leafy hybrid with high yield potential.
- Strong performance in both tonnage and quality.
- Responds well to enhanced nitrogen management.
- White cob hybrid.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Roundup Ready 2 Corn
Leafy: 100 Day
3000 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excellent leafy-floury option with high tonnage potential.
- Very good plant health for better quality feed.
- Excellent roots and stalks for standability.
- Above average leaf disease tolerance.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 105 Day
3000 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Excellent tonnage potential when placed on average to above average acres.
- Strong roots; test weight and Goss's Wilt tolerance.
- High response to intensive management; can also handle average acres.
- Manage late season intactness with a fungicide application in high yield environments.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 106 Day
3025 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Versatile hybrid; position and manage for high yield.
- Medium height hybrid with excellent emergence; seedling vigour and test weight.
- Position at medium populations and manage nitrogen for high yield potential.
- Fungicide application recommended in areas with gray leaf spot pressure.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

VT DoublePro
Dual Purpose: 107 Day
3050 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Great tonnage hybrid; combined with high quality potential.
- Strong roots and test weight with high yield potential.
- Versatile hybrid for any management system.
- Best suited for rotated acres.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

Dual Purpose: 103 Day
3100 Silage CHU

- Low
- Moderate
- High
- Medium-tall plant height with nice yield for high NDFD potential.
- Handles a range of soil types.
- Very good late season stress tolerance for maximum potential.
- Excellent emergence and vigour for early planting.
Seedling Vigour
Drought Tolerance
Root Strength
Tonnage Potential
# Milk/Acre

2025 CROPLAN® Seed Guide
The 2025 CROPLAN® Seed Guide is now available, offering a broad selection of hybrids and seed varieties specially adapted to local conditions. Download a copy today.